Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Its official, as of last night the lacrosse season has started and im so pumped up for it. I have been waiting since last may for this time of the year to get here. I can tell lacrosse is starting up because all around you can see the charcoaled, black snow coming from all the dirt and debris collected in the snow and is now falling down the snow banks as it melts. It is always nice to have lacrosse start because you know in no time at all the snow will be gone and it will be spring and the weather will be perfect. This year should be a great season, we have alot of varsity starters coming back. Me and Kevin Georhing are coming back on defense while we have a new junior goalie, Christian Belote. Our midfield this year will be our weakness because we lost alot of good middies. Eric Gaff and Kyle Georhing will probaly be our go to guys this year, it seems like theynever runs out of energy. The offensive end of the field will be stacked and set. We have all three starters returning to put up big numbers this year. I can't wait for our first game and show the whole state that Homestead Lacrosse is here and ready to play.

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